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Siddhi Shelke

October 13, 2023

Usability Heuristics for better UX.

User Experience (UX) Heuristics, at first glance, might sound like a complex term, but they're essentially a set of best practices and guidelines that guide designers and developers in creating user-friendly interfaces. Think of them as a trusted compass in the world of user-centred design. In this blog series, we'll unravel the essence of UX heuristics, explaining what they are, why they matter, and how they empower you to craft digital experiences that users love.

What is UX heuristic/usability heuristic? 

Heuristics, in a general sense, refer to problem-solving strategies or techniques that people use to quickly find a satisfactory solution when faced with complex or uncertain situations. Heuristics are often simple and practical "rules of thumb" or shortcuts that help individuals make decisions or solve problems more efficiently, even though they may not guarantee the optimal or perfect solution.

In the world of user experience (UX) design, heuristics are your guiding stars, quietly shaping the way we interact with websites and apps. These are a set of tried-and-true principles that help designers create websites and apps that users find intuitive and enjoyable. But what are UX heuristics, and who writes UX heuristics? In this article, we'll unlock the mysteries behind UX heuristics, revealing the essential principles that drive user-centric design. Let's delve into this UX treasure trove and uncover the keys to creating captivating digital experiences that rank high in user satisfaction.

History of UX Heuristics 

In 1990, Jakob Nielsen introduced a set of 10 usability heuristics in his paper "The Heuristic Evaluation of User Interfaces."

These heuristics were designed to provide a simple and practical way for designers and evaluators to identify usability problems in user interfaces. They were based on his extensive research and experience in usability.

Over the years, other experts in the field have expanded on or adapted these heuristics to suit different contexts and design principles. However, Nielsen's original set of heuristics remains a fundamental reference point in the field of user experience design.

Heuristic evaluations and usability testing, based on these heuristics, have become standard practices in the development of user-friendly digital products. By adhering to these principles, designers and developers aim to create interfaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive, efficient, and satisfying for users.

Why Heuristics is important?

Understanding UX heuristics isn't just a theoretical exercise. It's a practical toolkit that can transform the way you design and build digital products. These guidelines, often based on extensive research and user behavior analysis, provide a roadmap to follow when creating user interfaces. By implementing UX heuristics, you'll enhance user satisfaction and engagement. In this article, we'll explore the core principles of UX heuristics and how they can be harnessed to boost your website's usability of digital interface

What are the 10 UX heuristics?  

In the context of UX (User Experience) best practices, heuristics refer to a set of guiding principles or rules of thumb that help designers and evaluators assess and improve the usability and user-friendliness of websites, apps, or other digital interfaces. These heuristics provide a structured framework for identifying potential usability problems and enhancing the overall user experience. 

1. Visibility of System Status:

Users should always be informed about what is happening within the system. This heuristic suggests that users should know the current state of the interface and be aware of the system's responses to their actions.

Example – Google Meet

In Google Meet, when someone talks, you see sound waves around their profile picture. This shows that they're speaking and helps everyone follow the conversation. It's like a visual cue that keeps everyone in the loop and engaged during the meeting.

2. Match Between System and Real World:

The system should speak the user's language and use familiar concepts. This means that design and terminology should be consistent with the user's expectations.

Example – Amazon website

When designing an e-commerce website or app, like Amazon, it's vital to mimic the real-world shopping process. Users should explore, pick items, add them to a cart, and check out seamlessly, just like in a physical store. This connection between the digital and real-world encounters provides users with a sense of familiarity, making the experience more intuitive.

3. User Control and Freedom:

Users should have the ability to undo actions and easily navigate the system. Providing clear paths for recovery from errors or unintended actions is important.

Example  - Instagram

On Instagram, users can control their profile's visibility by choosing between public and private settings. They also have the freedom to enable or disable comments on their posts. This flexibility empowers users to manage their online presence according to their preferences, highlighting the principle of user control and freedom.

4. Consistency and Standards:

Design elements like buttons and icons should be consistent throughout the interface. Consistency makes it easier for users to predict how the system will behave.

Example – Google apps

Google Apps like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Calendar share a consistent design language. This uniformity, from interface elements to navigation, creates a seamless and familiar user experience. Users can effortlessly switch between these apps, knowing what to expect, which enhances usability and satisfaction.

5. Error Prevention:

Design should aim to prevent errors from occurring in the first place. This might involve confirmation dialogs, constraints, or default settings that reduce the likelihood of user mistakes.

Example – Google Gmail

In Gmail, if you write, "I'm attaching the file below" in your email but forget to attach a file before hitting send, Gmail will remind you. This prevents the error of sending an email without the intended attachment and ensures your message is complete.

6. Recognition Rather Than Recall:

The system should minimize the user's memory load. Users should not have to remember information from one part of the interface to another. Relevant information should be present or easily retrievable.

Example – Netflix

Netflix remembers the series you were watching and the episode you left off on. When you return to the app, it reminds you, eliminating the need to recall where you left off. It's like a helpful memory for your viewing history.

7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use:

The system should cater to both novice and expert users. Efficiency shortcuts and accelerators can make the system more efficient for experienced users.

Example- Figma shortcut

In Figma, users can transition from the toolbar to using keyboard shortcuts like 'R' for rectangles and 'F' for frames. This flexibility lets experienced users work faster and more efficiently, like having personalized shortcuts to design tools.

8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design:

The design should be uncluttered and visually appealing, but not at the expense of clarity and functionality.

Example – Apple website

Apple's website showcases aesthetic and minimalist design principles. It presents a clean, uncluttered layout with high-quality product images, aligning with Apple's dedication to simplicity and premium aesthetics. Users can efficiently access product information, making the website visually pleasing and user-friendly. 

9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors:

Error messages should be clear and suggest solutions. Users should understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

Example – GPS Navigation Apps

In GPS navigation apps like Google Maps, when users take a wrong turn or deviate from the recommended route, the app quickly recalculates the route and provides clear turn-by-turn instructions to get back on track. Users recognize the error (wrong direction), and the app assists in diagnosing and recovering from it.

10. Help and Documentation:

The system should offer easy-to-access help and documentation for users who need further guidance.

Example – Adobe Photoshop

In software like Adobe Photoshop, the "Help" menu offers documentation and tutorials. Users access this resource to find answers, learn, or troubleshoot. It boosts their understanding and use of the software, making them better designers. This shows how organized help resources aid users in mastering complex tools.


UX heuristics are essential design guidelines that ensure user-friendly digital experiences. They offer a framework for creating intuitive, efficient, and satisfying interfaces. The ten heuristics, from system status visibility to error recovery, form the foundation of user-centered design.

By following these principles, designers enhance usability, resulting in intuitive, error-resistant, and visually appealing websites and apps. It's a commitment to empowering users, making the digital journey seamless and satisfying. In essence, UX heuristics are the cornerstone of a great user experience.

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